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Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not answered on this page then please email and one of the team will get back to you.
Who we areDig Deep works to help schools and communities get access to water and sanitation. We work together to build taps and toilets; to ensure that water and sanitation services are maintained for the long term; and to provide vital menstrual hygiene training to the next generation. ​ Check out Dig Deep's website here
Where we workDig Deep's work is currently focused in Bomet County where 2 out of 3 people people lack access to clean water, over half don't have safe toilets and children don't receive basic hygiene education. Most residents live in rural communities and spend hours every day walking to collect dirty water or finding a safe place to relieve themselves. Dirty water and poor hygiene spread diseases meaning even more time is lost to sickness that could have been used to learn and earn.
Why does Dig Deep only work in Kenya?Over the years, we have built up an expertise working in Kenya, building relationships with local communities and organisations and gaining an understanding of both their culture and the problems they face due to a lack of clean water and sanitation. We feel that it is a better use of money to work in the areas that we have expertise in, rather than branch out into other countries where we have no experience.
When & how was Dig Deep founded?Dig Deep was founded in 2007 by two university students, Peter Fitzsimmons and Jo Zeevi-Green, who visited a Maasai community in Kenya and saw first hand the issues the community faced due to a lack clean water. Since 2007, our highly committed team have now built taps and toilets and delivered training events which are already contributing to improved health and hygiene for over 219,000 people. You can read stories of our impact here.
How many members of staff does Dig Deep have?Dig Deep is made up of a Kenyan staff team, a UK staff team, a board of trustees, patrons and many volunteers. Find out more about who is involved in Dig Deep at
Apart from the challenges programme, how else is Dig Deep funded?Dig Deep's challenges are our largest source of income, however we are also funded from regular givers, community fundraising events, corporate sponsorship, and grants from trust funds.
What is the registration fee and what does it cover?The registration fee supports the salaries, expenses and materials produced to support your fundraising and the administrative costs associated with organising the challenge enabling us to begin making arrangements early with our suppliers. The registration fees for our Kilimanjaro challenges are split in to two instalments. Everyone will need to pay £145 when they sign up and a second instalment of £250 is due at the end of January. There is the opportunity to not pay a second instalment. For example when you sign up you will be given a referral code, if you share this with a friend and they sign up with your referral code you will both receive a £50 discount on your 2nd registration fee instalment. So share it with four people and you won’t have to pay a second instalment at all! We are able to offer this discount on the second registration fee instalment as we can get better prices for the bookings in Tanzania if more people sign up. Our suppliers in Tanzania are able to negotiate the best prices for the trip when they have more people coming and ideally they want to make the bookings with final numbers.
What does the fundraising target cover for the challenges?The fundraising target has a minimum 50:50 split between the charitable donation and the costs associated with your challenge. Donation: A minimum of 50% of what you raise is a donation to Dig Deep, helping us to transform lives by providing schools and communities with access to clean water and sanitation. Climb costs: The remainder of your minimum fundraising target goes towards the costs of the challenge and the programme. Depending on your challenge, this can include climb costs (crew, tent, food, water), transport costs, support staff and accommodation. Anything raised above the minimum fundraising target goes straight to Dig Deep as a charity donation. Check out your challenge specific webpage for an explanation/breakdown of what is and isn’t included in the fundraising target.
What happens if I sign up and then decide not to go on the challenge?We offer a 14 day cooling off period after registration in which a fundraiser can choose to withdraw from the challenge and request a refund of their registration fee. If a fundraiser chooses to withdraw from the challenge within 14 working days we would kindly request they return the welcome pack if it has already been sent out. We are unable to offer a refund on the registration fee if you decide to drop out of the challenge after 14 working days. Should you drop out of the challenge after signing up, all fundraising completed up to that point should be forwarded to Dig Deep, or returned to donors. Any money already submitted to Dig Deep prior to the decision is not refundable and is considered to be a gift made to the charity. At Dig Deep’s discretion, fundraisers will have the option to defer their place on the challenge to the following year and all fundraising completed so far can be carried over to the new challenge in line with the terms and conditions agreed to upon registration.
How do I sign up?Head over to the respective challenge page you're interested in joining and follow the sign up link which will take you to the registration process.
Where can I find the fundraising resources?All fundraising resources can be found here. On the page you will find lots to help you with planning events, talking about Dig Deep and media assets such as presentations and photos. For any further fundraising assistance don’t hesitate to contact the team on
How strict is the deadline and can I get an extension?It is imperative that you reach the deadline to secure your place on the trip. This deadline is set to allow us to pay your trip supplier for the trip costs and are therefore non-negotiable and we are unable to offer any extensions.
Do you have Public Liability Insurance?Yes, we do, please get in touch with a member of the team so we can check your event will be covered by our Public Liability Insurance. If so, we will provide you with the correct documentation.
I am going to talk on local radio/TV about Dig Deep, can you help?Talking on local radio or TV station is a great way to get the word out about your challenge. Get in touch with us so we can make sure that you have all the information that you need about Dig Deep and your challenge before you are interviewed.
If I contribute my own money to hit the fundraising target, can I continue to fundraise and simply keep the funds raised to ‘make up’ the funds I have contributed?The charity cannot condone this type of fundraising activity simply because the funds will not be passed onto the charity. If you do choose to engage in this type of fundraising you must be clear with your donors that the funds will be kept by yourself and not passed onto the charity.
Does Gift Aid count towards my target?As Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax back on donations made by British Tax payers we are unable to include it in your fundraising target. However, it is great if you can encourage people to Gift Aid as it will greatly improve the impact of their donation.
Why do you use Enthuse and how can I set up a fundraising page?Enthuse offers us the best value as a fundraising platform meaning more of your donations can be used for charity purposes. All of our challenge fundraisers will have a page automatically set up within Enthuse when they register, but if you would like to set up a page for another event then just click here!
Something has gone wrong with my Enthuse page, what can I do?You can contact the Enthuse team by calling their help desk on 020 3872 2090 - open 9am-5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am-4pm on Friday, or email They respond quickly and should be able to help you with any issue you have with your page. If a donation has not appeared straight away it often goes into reconciliation and will be sorted overnight - please give it at least 12 hours.
Some of the people that I hope will support me live outside of the UK, will they be able to donate to my Enthuse page?That’s no problem. Anyone, anywhere in the world can access Enthuse and make donations online. The only thing to be aware of is that payment is taken in pounds sterling and that donors will only be able to claim Gift Aid if they pay tax in the UK. Therefore, the amount donated by your non-UK supporters will vary and be subject to the exchange rate of their currency against the pound sterling at the time of their transaction. Alternatively we can provide you with our bank details for your donors to directly transfer the funds to the charity and then we can assign this money to your fundraising page.
What should I do with cheques?Any cheques made out to Dig Deep should be sent to us so we can cash them in. Send your cheque to: Dig Deep, The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW. We will then bank the cheque and make a note of the cheque on the account we have for your fundraising total on our system. The cheque will then be added as an offline donation to your fundraising page by a member of the Dig Deep team.
What should I do with cash that I receive?You have two options for getting the cash to Dig Deep: A) you can either go to the bank and deposit the cash in our account using our account details (which can be found below) and we will then allocate these funds onto your fundraising page as offline donations, or B) you can keep the cash yourself and donate the same amount to your own fundraising page using your bank card. We ask that you hand over cash to Dig Deep promptly and do not add offline donations to your fundraising page yourself, this will be done by a member of the Dig Deep team once these funds have been received by the charity.
What are the bank details for Dig Deep?Account Name: Dig Deep Challenges Sort code: 40-52-40 Account Number: 00023661 Bank: CAF Bank. Please make sure you reference your payment with your full name. For any international payments please use the following details: Bank name: CAF Bank Name on account: Dig Deep Challenges Sort code number: 40-52-40 Account number: 00023661 SWIFT code: CAFBGB21xxx IBAN number: GB61CAFB40524000023661 Branch address: CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME194JQ Unfortunately, to receive an international payment into our account our bank charge us a fee of £6.00 for every transaction so please add £6 on to the amount you’re paying.
Can my donors get a receipt?All donations made to your fundraising page will be sent an automatic donation receipt directly from Enthuse. For other donations not made to your Enthuse fundraising page (e.g. cash, cheque, bank transfer) please get in touch with us via and we can provide your donor with a receipt.
Can I get a letter confirming that I am fundraising for Dig Deep?We are happy to send you a letter of authority, so just get in touch with us! We can provide you with any supporting documents you may need.
Can donations be refunded?Please see our donation refunds policy here.
Is there somewhere I can find all the pre-departure information for my trip?Yes! Just have a look here at the pre-departure webpage for your respective international challenge. You will find all of the information about your climb, flights, visas, insurance, kit, vaccinations and so on. Have a read of this page, if you need anything clarifying just get in touch with one of the team.
When will I find out the dates for my trip?The dates of your trip will be confirmed once registrations close and group sizes are known after which equally sized groups will be allocated to dates. For our Kilimanjaro challenges this will be on or before 13th December once the registration deadline has passed on 30th November.
Can I change my trip date?There may be a possibility of switching dates, but we need to check the availability on different dates. Please email your query to
Do you offer extension packages after the climbs?Our wonderful local Tanzanian suppliers, African Scenic Safaris, design and organise some incredible optional travel packages for your groups to purchase for after your Kilimanjaro climb. Head to to see the packages for Kilimanjaro.
Should I be worried about Terrorism?The wellbeing and safety of our fundraisers is paramount. As we have staff in Kenya and our local supplier partners in Tanzania we are constantly monitoring the Foreign Commonwealth Office to ensure that they are working in a safe environment. If you or your family are worried about security, we would be more than happy to speak on the phone.
Is there going to be wifi/electricity on the mountain?No, there will be no electricity or WIFI on the mountains. We recommend that you take a portable power pack (solar or battery) and inform your families that you will contact them after you have finished your climb.
Are there trained medical staff on the mountain crew? Do they have experience in specialised support?All of the Head Guides on your climb have been medically trained and specialise in altitude sickness and emergency descents holding Wilderness First Aid with CPR certifications. They are also supported by a UK or equivalently qualified expedition medic who will be equipped with a full medical kit to assess and treat the most commonly experienced illnesses or conditions. The crew will also be in contact with experienced support staff at the base of the mountain throughout the trek. The crew that will be looking after you know the mountain inside out and have supported hundreds of climbers; they are experts when it comes to spotting altitude sickness symptoms and treating ill climbers. You are in very safe hands! If you require any specialist support, we can ask our suppliers to hand pick guides which have experience in supporting climbers with particular needs. If you require individual support throughout the trek, we can assign an assistant guide to just support you.
I have a severe allergy, will this be okay?If you have a severe allergy you need to discuss this with your doctor and also ensure that you notify the challenges team. We will then notify our suppliers who will make sure that the chef is aware of any allergies within the team so they can create a menu that steers clear of any foods that would make you ill.
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